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Welcome to BNC Store
At BNC Store, our aim is to make available the most trusted and advanced supplementations to Australia and New Zealand. A lot of our supplements are related to bone health but they are also crucial in maintaining your health i.e. your immune system. We will continue to look out for the latest innovation in supplementation and bring them to Australia and New Zealand.
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What others say about Calton Nutrition...

"I used to actually hate multivitamins before I met you guys, because we learn in pharmacy school that basically there are different nutrients that compete with one another for absorption a … you see all those things together in one pill and you’re like how much of that is actually going to get absorbed and ...I actually do now recommend multivitamins but only if they are from you guys (Calton Nutrition)."

Dr. Izabella Wentz
“For a very long time I said, “Don’t take multivitamins.” Because you can’t control the ratios, and I never found one that met my standards, but yours is the closest. I have great respect for the work you’ve done. I am one of the 10% with the genetic mutation that doesn’t handle folic acid very well. Throwing it in with the food, it just doesn’t serve us. The fact that you guys changed the formula, I am really pleased.”

Josh Holland
"As a celebrity trainer my clients are constantly asking me about how to choose the highest quality supplements. I’m a firm believer in thebecoming micronutrient sufficient to enhance physical performance and optimize fat loss. I recommend Calton Nutrition products to all my clients and personally use Nutreince and IN.POWER protein and LOVE THEM!"